
Saturday, March 9, 2013

May I Have Your Attention Please?

Right when I'm trying to make a serious effort and write a weekly blog my computer is completely on the fritz. I got a new AC adapter for my MacBook two weeks ago and everything was working splendidly. Then this week I tried to start my laptop up in the morning and nothing. It was fully charged but dead as a door nail  Last night I took it over to the guys who fixed it previously and I was told that my motherboard was most likely fried. Not necessarily from anything I had done but just the life of a laptop I suppose. 

The guy was really nice and said he would look into seeing if there's something he can do. 

I want to cry, I've had that laptop for four years now but we had a good run. 

I haven't completely abandoned this project. I still have two projects that I'm working on. Right now I'm using my Dad's laptop for the time being so I'm not completely cut off. So I may be able to continue writing just not a regular as I would like. 

Until then, 


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