
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Wax On...

  So a month ago I decided that I wanted a new dresser. I had been using a modular system of fabric cubes in two checkerboard like shelves for a couple of years. It worked fine when I was a teenager and in my early twenties but I felt that I needed something more adult like. So one weekend right after Christmas this past year my Mom and I went out to every single furniture store in our hometown. I wasn't exactly sure what I was looking for because my aesthetic style has been changing a lot from a more modern look to the French cottage pastoral. However, I had a feeling that once I saw it, I knew that it would be the one!! 

  Going from furniture store to store was really bumming me out because nothing was appealing me. Everything that I saw wasn't the right color wood, or it was too overly lacquered or just fake wood in general. I wanted something that was really well made and not cheap. So I went home feeling a little despondent. The next day my Mom suggested we trying checking out some of the local antique shops to see if we could find anything. As a child and a teenager I would have whined and cried about having to go to antique or craft store with my Mom now I love it. Browsing Pinterest has also giving me more of an idea of what I like and what I don't like. (If you'd like to see my board click the link) Two minutes into walking into the very first antique store there it was... I may have heard angels singing "Hallelujah" in the background.

Ta da!!

I think that it is so cute! This painted black dresser is made from maple wood and has dovetail drawers. It has solid wood gliders that fit perfectly like a puzzle piece. However sometimes pushing my drawers back in can get a little stuck or snagged. 

   My Mom suggested to take a block of paraffin wax and rub it along all of the wooden rails to make it more smoothly. 

Interior of the drawer... WOW!

Wow. I really need to paint my nails.

Dang that woman is a genius... It was really simple and only took a minute or two per drawer. You don't have to push hard for the wax to get on the wood. 

I also waxed the gliders on the drawers as well... and now they move in like buttah!  

You can find paraffin wax probably pretty much anywhere. It is used more for home canning and candle making... or you could just also use an old candle. I imagine that it would also smell nice if you rub a candle as well. 

You thought I was going to say Wow again didn't you?

So there you go! My first project is done too!! That's a big deal for me considering that I've been wanting to write this blog for at least seven months now. I'm going to give myself a pat on the back. 


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