
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Anna Howard Shaw Day To Us All!!

I resolve not to be a bitter about Valentine's Day. Actually I'm in a pretty good mood today. There were chocolate chip cookies in the office which is a total score in my book. 

I don't have any real thoughts about Valentine's Day. If you have someone to share it with great, enjoy the day and feed each other chocolates while sitting in front of a fire and a bear skin rug. If you're single like me, it's no big deal... think about it this way at least you're not in a relationship with someone who you're miserable with. Although I am sitting here waiting for Astronaut Mike Dexter. 

As much as I love Liz Lemon.. yes I relate to a fictional character invited by Tina Fey.. I don't want to be here on Valentine's  Day. Right now I'm just said that 30 Rock is now least I have Community and Parks and Recreation though :)

So here's a fun Valentine's present for all my Liz Lemon fans and what love means to her!

Oh Liz...

If you don't want to get depressed and cry in to your Sabor de Soledads let's look at some chubby puppies instead...


Bwhahahaha I couldn't' resist!!

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