
Sunday, July 22, 2012

It is no secret in my family that I do not have a crafty, domesticated bone in my body. My Mom is the rock star of the family. I grew up in awe watching her make delicious meal after delicious meal. She could sew anything: fix a button or hem a pair of pants perfectly. I can barely boil water and would probably stab myself if I tried to thread a needle. I also had the greatest art projects in school because my Mom would have so much fun "helping me" on them. She's the reason I always got A's in art class. My Dad to me is a fix it genius whether it be the house or my car (he spent a lot time while I was in high school fixing up my car after my latest driving snafu) I can't tell the difference between and impact driver or a socket wrench. Me, I'd rather be curled up with a good book. 
However, since joining Pinterest last fall along with the rest of the world I have been spending hours upon hours pinning everything under the sun; whether it be fashion, design, DIY, cooking and other projects but I haven't done anything with any of them. I also imagine that this is an issue facing a lot of other "Pinners" out there like myself. 
The goal in mind for this blog is to take one idea from random pins once a week that I think would be interested in, try it out, document it with my handy dandy camera and write about it here for your reading pleasure.

There will be trial and error but I think it will be fun to put myself out there, try something new and write about it with some newly made friends.

So stick around, pour yourself a glass and strap yourself in.. this will surely be an interesting ride!

Check out all of my Pinterest boards here

1 comment:

  1. What a cool ideal. This is like when I helped you in art!
